In local and online footwear stores, you will notice that the men’s shoe section is quite different from the women’s shoes section. Some women prefer to go to the men’s shoe section when shopping. They complain that they find it difficult to get their perfect size in the women’s section, which is why they choose to go to the men’s section.
Indeed, women with extra-wide feet may not find their perfect sizes in the women’s section.
Yes, women can also wear men’s shoes. The only difference between men’s and women’s shoes is the sizing and the shape of the feet under consideration. Men’s shoes are wider than women’s shoes because of the general belief that men have muscular and wider feet. Another difference is that the traditional women’s styles are not available in the men’s section.
Continue reading if you want to learn more about this topic.

What's Inside:
Can Women Wear Men’s Shoes?
There are several reasons women may prefer to shop in the men’s shoe section. One major reason why many women choose to shop in the men’s shoe section is that they find it difficult to get their perfect size in the men’s section. Some ladies with extra-wide width complain that even the biggest shoes in the women’s section are too narrow for their feet, so they go to the men’s section to get a shoe with a wider width.
Aside from the reasons listed above, women may also choose to wear men’s shoes due to several other reasons. Whether men’s shoes or women’s shoes, the main goal is to pick a very comfortable shoe that will suit your needs.
Why does Gender different shoes?
Since women can wear men’s shoes and men can also wear women’s shoes, you may wonder if there is a need to separate shoes by gender. So, why do gender-separate shoes?
The main reason shoes are separated by gender is to enable easy and stress-free shopping. Many consumers prefer to shop by gender, so shoe stores help separate the shoes by gender to make it very easy for them. Separating shoes by gender will also enable easy identification.
Some men’s shoes and women’s shoes are built the same way, and you may not be able to differentiate them from each other. If the shoes are already separated by gender, it will be very easy for consumers to differentiate them from each other.
This is to inform you that shoes are only separated by gender for easy identification and stress-free; it does not prevent a particular gender from shopping in the other gender’s section.
Reasons Why Women’s Shoes Are Different from Men’s Shoes
When you compare women’s shoes with men’s shoes, you will see some differences. Some of the things that shoe companies take into consideration when making women’s shoes are:
- Women like shoes with flashy colors
- Women have narrower foot widths than men
- Women have shorter and narrower feet than men
- Women need lighter and softer midsoles shoes since they sustain a lighter weight
- Women need shoes with more cushioning and shock absorption than men because of less knee flexion

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Difference between Men’s and Women’s Shoes?
Though men can wear women’s shoes and women can also wear men’s shoes, it is also important to know that there are differences between men’s and women’s shoes. You also need to know that these differences will also affect your comfort. Color and look are some of the differences between men’s and women’s shoes, but aside from those two, there are other differences between men’s and women’s shoes. Check below to see some of the differences between men’s vs. women’s shoes:
- The Fit
Though several laid down rules state the type of shoes that a man or woman must wear, the main goal is to get a comfortable shoe and provide support for your feet. Generally, men’s feet are wider than women’s feet, so men’s shoes are wider than women’s shoes.
This rule may not work because some men have narrow feet and some women have wide feet. In cases like this, men may feel more comfortable in women’s shoes, while women may feel more comfortable in women’s shoes. It is better to test the fit before leaving the shoe store to check if it is comfortable.
- The Shape
If you compare men’s and women’s shoes carefully, you will see that their shape is quite different from each other. Research has shown that men have muscular and wider feet. One major way to easily differentiate men’s shoes from women’s shoes is to check the width. Men’s shoes have a wider width, and women’s shoes have a narrow width.
Also, men’s shoes have a wider shape in the heel area, and women’s shoes have a narrow shape in the heel area. Two major reasons why women’s shoes have a narrow shape in the heel area are to help reduce wear and tear and support pronation. Considering this factor when choosing a shoe will help prevent some common foot problems later.
- The Q-Angle
One of the things that affect the shape of the feet is the hip. The wider the hip, the wider the Q-angle. Also, more support for pronation is required for those with a wider Q-angle. If you compare men’s and women’s Q-angle, you will see that women have wider angles so they will need shoes with more support for pronation.
So whenever you want to choose between men’s and women’s shoes, you need to know that men’s shoes do not have enough features to support pronation. To produce shoes that are more comfortable for women, some manufacturers use a special material for the sole of women’s shoes.
- The Weight Factor
Another difference between the men’s and women’s shoes is the weight factor. There is a general belief that men are heavier than women, so men’s shoes are heavier than women’s. Heavier soles are used for men’s shoes to sustain more weight, while lighter and softer midsoles are used for women’s shoes because they sustain less weight.
- Color and Look
The last factor for differentiating women’s and men’s shoes is the color and look. Men’s shoes have more dark and primary colors, while women’s shoes have a variety of flashy colors. However, you need to know that this is not one of the best factors for differentiating male and female shoes.
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Can women wear mens sneakers?
Almost every time we hear that these particular shoes are for women, these particular ones are for men. But when it comes to sneakers, things are quite different. The difference between men’s and women’s sneakers is not obvious, while some manufacturers only produce unisex sneakers.
Now, let’s answer this popular question: can a woman wear men’s Nike shoes? Yes, a woman can also wear men’s Nike shoes because Nike expresses unisex sneakers. If you try men’s Nike shoes and are more comfortable, I recommend not to hesitate to buy them. You don’t have to stick to a label guide but go for footwear that you like and is comfortable for your feet.
Basic Tips for Choosing the Best Sneakers?
If you do know how to choose the best sneakers for yourself, the following tips provided below will guide you in choosing the best sneakers for yourself:
- Know Your Foot Size
There is a belief that adults’ foot size remains the same till they die. Before you proceed to the market to start shopping for sneakers, you need to erase this false belief from your mind. Our foot size doesn’t remain the same throughout our lifetime; our foot size changes over time due to some factors. Some major factors that can easily affect our foot size are pregnancy, childbirth, and weight gain.
For example, our feet may swell when we gain more weight, which will affect our foot size. Due to changes in shoe size, experts recommend that foot size be checked at least once a year. And whenever you are checking your foot size, ensure that you check the two-foot separately because one foot may be wider than the other. You can check your foot size with the Brannock device or a measuring tape before going to the store.
- Know Your Foot
One of the things that you need to consider whenever you want to choose any shoe is your foot shape. Before choosing any sneaker, you also have to know your foot shape. There are different ways to know your foot, and one of them is by looking at the shoes you have worn.
Pick up the sneakers you have worn before and check to wear you have experienced more tear and wear. If you have more wear and tear in the outside edges, then it means that you have high arches. So you need to buy sneakers that provide more support for high arches. But if you have more wear and tear inside, you have low arches. So it would help if you bought sneakers that have a thick midsole.
- Know What You Need
Before you choose, you need to know what you want and what you want to use it for. It is not advisable to use a single pair of sneakers for all athletic activities. Each athletic shoe is made for different athletic activities. So, if you want to engage in different athletic activities, you need to buy a particular sneaker for each activity.
- Know Your Foot Problem
Finally, you also need to know your foot problems before buying a sneaker. This will help you to choose the best one for yourself. If you have a foot problem, you need to be very careful when choosing a sneaker because the type of sneakers will help solve or worsen the problem. If you don’t know which sneakers will be the best for your foot, you may seek help from professionals.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is there a difference between men’s and women’s shoes?
Yes, there is a difference between men’s and women’s shoes —the difference lies in the size and the shape.
Are there unisex sneakers?
Thankfully, yes. Some footwear companies like Reebok, Nike, and Adidas have recently introduced unisex sneakers.
What are the reasons why women go for men’s shoes?
Women go for men’s shoes because the available women’s shoes are not comfortable. You may also go for men’s shoes if the widest women’s shoes are too narrow for your feet.
Why does gender different shoes?
The main reason why shoes are separated by gender is to enable easy identification and stress-free shopping.
Due to some reasonable reasons, some women may find it difficult to get their perfect size from the women’s shoe section, and they may decide to check the men’s shoes section. But one of the questions that may arise in your mind when you want to do so is: can women wear men’s shoes?
Yes, women can wear men’s shoes if it provides the proper support to keep their feet comfortable. However, there are some differences between men’s and women’s shoes, which do not mean that women cannot wear men’s shoes.
The main difference between men’s and women’s shoes is the size and shape. I would recommend that you go for any more comfortable shoes, do not stick to a label guide.
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Hello, I’m Kristin, the founder and main author of I’ve been working as a footwear designer and have built a keen interest in different footwear problems, suggestions, and designing. I hope I’ll be able to serve your needs with my skillful team member.